The move, made in line with the Civil Aeronautics Law, excluded aircraft engaged in search and rescue operations.
Earlyon the day, an explosion occurred at the Fukushima No. 1 plant’s No. 2reactor, causing a considerable rise in the level of radiation.
Accordingto the plant operator Tokyo Electric Power Co. (TEPCO), the explosion,partly damaged the protection shield of the No.2 reactor, possiblytriggered radiation leaks.
Later, fires broke out at the plant’s No. 4 reactor following a blast at the No. 4 reactor building.
TheFukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant is currently in a crisis phase whenfour of its six reactors fell into trouble and raised high concernafter it was hit by the 8.9 magnitude earthquake and tsunami on March11.
Prime Minister Naoto Kan asked people living within 30 kmfrom the plant to stay indoors while Chief Cabinet Secretary YukioEdano said the high radiation level detected at 10:22 a.m. after theexplosions at the No. 2 and No. 4 reactors ''would certainly havenegative effects on the human body.''
Previously, Japanofficially asked the IAEA to send experts to help it deal with nuclearcrisis caused by the March 11 earthquake and tsunami.
IAEA Director General Yukia Amano said on March 14 that his organisation was discussing the issue in detail.
OnMarch 15, a ministerial meeting of G-8 countries is expected to takeplace in France to discuss the best assistance forms to be taken forJapan .
The US Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) said it wasconsidering possibilities of helping Japan manage its damagednuclear power plants after it was requested.
In the meantime,Japan is making all-out efforts to avert catastrophic consequences ofthe devastating earthquake and tsunami and it has received more pledgesfor aid.
The Red Cross of China said it would provide an amountof more than 760,000 USD in addition to its previous pledge of 1 millionUSD to the Red Cross of Japan.
Many relief organisations and businesses in the US have raised more than 22 million USD to aid Japanese victims.
Accordingto the National Police Agency, as by March 15, the devastatingearthquake and tsunami claimed the lives of 2,414 people and injured1,885 others. Up to 3,118 people remained missing in the disasters./.