The tree sap is used as a beverage since it is high in nutritional value, andis also used in the cosmetics and food processing industries.
Nguyen Thanh is among the farmers who have planted Java olive trees inmountainous fields in Ninh Phuoc district’s Phuoc Dan commune, and earns a goodincome from their sap.
In 2010, with the support of the Thuan Nam District Protective Forestmanagement, he planted 6,000 trees on his 2.5ha field, and began to tap the sapfive years later.
He harvests two to three times a year, and earning 60 million VND (2,600 USD)each time, he said.
Java olive trees grow easier than many others, require less tending and offerhigh incomes, he said.
Farmers can also use the leaves of the tree to feed cows, goats, sheep, andother livestock.
The tree has a large trunk, and its wood can be used to produce pulp, plywoodand other products.
Tran Ngoc Hieu, head of the Thuan Nam District Protective Forest management,said the tree is an indigenous forest species that copes well with drought. Theprovince has the least rainfall in the country.
It is intercropped with other plants, grown in mountainous forests and aroundhouses in coastal areas to prevent desertification, he said.
Added to the province’s list of drought-resistant trees, it is grown on more than1,000ha, mostly in Ninh Phuoc, Thuan Nam, Ninh Hai and Ninh Son districts.
Its sap is now sold at a price of 90,000-120,000 VND (3.9-5.2 USD) a kilogrammewhen dried. Four kilogrammes of fresh sap make for more than a kilogramme ofdried sap.
The province is increasingly growing vegetation resistant to drought and withhigh value such as acacia, thanh that (Ailanthus triphysa) and Java olive toincrease its forest cover.
To expand the cultivation of Java olive under its combined agriculture-forestrymodel, the province supports farmers with soft loans and seedlings. It hastaught them techniques for farming, harvesting the sap and semi-processing ofthe sap.
It has also supported linkages between farmers and companies for growing thetrees and processing the sap, and helped promote products made from the sap indomestic and foreign markets./.