Joint project improves life for Agent Orange victims

The Vietnam Association of Victims of Agent Orange/Dioxin (VAVA) and the Vietnam Veterans’ Association (VAA) reviewed the results of their collaboration and discussed future work during a workshop held on May 26.
The Vietnam Association of Victims of Agent Orange/Dioxin (VAVA) and the Vietnam Veterans’ Association (VAA) reviewed the results of their collaboration and discussed future work during a workshop held on May 26.

According to VAVA Chairman Nguyen Van Rinh, the five-year joint programme on supporting and protecting the rights of victims has so far created profound and positive changes in the conceptions of State agencies and locals toward the Agent Orange-affected population.

Publicity campaigns have triggered a huge communal response to a number of charitable activities, Rinh shared.

VAA Chairman Nguyen Van Duoc said his organisation has supported the victims and their families in seeking a better life and integrating into their local communities.

Petitions for policy changes from veterans who are suffering from exposure to the deadly chemical, dropped during wartime by the US, have for a long time been delivered to the authorities through the VAA, Duoc noted.

At the workshop, both sides agreed to continue their work together. They will conduct research to collect a database of the disadvantaged community and replicate their successful models to help the Agent Orange victims across the nation.-VNA

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