The course has been organised by the Vietnam People’s Supreme Procuracyin cooperation with the United Nations Office on Drug and Crime (UNODC).
The course examines trial issues, tactics, strategies and laws related to internet crime against children.
It also describes how technical evidence is authenticated and how legal cases are prepared.
Information about the selection of jurors, post-verdict motions and sentencing issues are also being analysed.
The programme is key component of Project Childhood, an AustralianAgency for International Development (AusAID) initiative that fightssexual abuses of children in travel and tourism in the Mekongsub-region, according to Vu Viet Hung, Deputy Director of theProcuracy’s Department 1A.
The UN office as well as INTEPOL and World Vision contribute to the programme’s implementation.
Launched in 2010, the programme has been offered in Cambodia, Vietnam Thailand and Laos. It will end in August 2014.-VNA