Phnom Penh (VNA) – TheKhmer-Vietnamese Association (KVA) in Cambodia on August 29 held a ceremony tomark the 73rd anniversary of National Day (September 2) and the association’s30th founding anniversary (1988-2018).
Addressing the event, KVA President Chau VanChi said Vietnamese in Cambodia have always turned their hearts towards theirhomeland while integrating into the host society.
He stressed the support of the VietnameseState and people at home, as well as authorities and Khmer people in Cambodiafor the development of the Vietnamese community in the country.
Chi said the association was recognised byCambodia’s Interior Ministry on May 9, 2018, with its charter registered andpreserved at the ministry.
Based in the Cambodian capital city of PhnomPenh, the association gathers Khmer people of Vietnamese origin, and Vietnamesewho work and live in Cambodia legally.
Cambodian Deputy Prime Minister Men Saman,who is also Minister of NationalAssembly-Senate Relations and Inspection and President of the Cambodia-VietnamFriendship Association, highlighted the historical significance of Vietnam’sNational Day, considering it a victory of Indochinese countries during thestruggle against colonialists to gain independence.
She alsorecalled the great support of the Vietnamese Party, State and people forCambodia in the fight against the Khmer Rouge genocidal regime, as well asduring the present cause of national development.
The officialexpressed her belief that the two sides will continue to work together for peace,stability and prosperity in each nation.
Men Saman laudedthe contributions by the KVA and the Vietnam-Cambodia Friendship Association (VCFA)to enhancing the friendship between the two countries.
At theceremony, VCFA President Vu Mao presented certificates of merit to the KVA andits seven officials in recognition of their contributions to the development ofthe Vietnamese community in Cambodia and bilateral ties.-VNA