The cooperationprogramme will mainly focus on the research of information, theintroduction and consultation of technology.
Accordingly, the HDST’s research centre for applications and services ofscience-technology will provide Kipa with information in an effort toget the group’s supports in searching for new technologies based onsubjects of studies and projects carried out in developed countriesworldwide, especially the Republic of Korea .
The programme will help Vietnam have access to updated technologies,improve product quality and the effectiveness of production. Kipa willalso assist the country train human resources in the consultation andtransfer of technology.
An opening ceremony of ashowroom of technology transfer and information on cooperativeprogrammes between Ho Chi Minh City and nations across the world aswell as initiatives and new technologies in numerous fields also tookplace in the city on the same day.
The showroom is part of cooperation programme between the HDST and Kipa, said Le Hoai Quoc, the HDST’s Deputy Director.
“We believed that the partner will work with Vietnam to seek fornew technologies and introduce suitable and cheap technologies fordomestic businesses,” he said./.