Land of tea strives to attract visitors

To many people, the northern province of Thai Nguyen is well known as the land of tea and home to many revolutionary sites. On the basis of those advantages, the province is striving to develop tourism.
Land of tea strives to attract visitors ảnh 1Tourists visit Mo Ga stream in Phu Thuong commune, Vo Nhai district, in the northern province of Thai Nguyen. (Photo: VietnamPlus) 

Thai Nguyen (VNA) – To many people, the northern province of Thai Nguyen is well known as the land of tea and home to many revolutionary sites.

On the basis of those advantages, the province is striving to develop tourism.

Besides historical revolutionary sites such as the Safety Zone Dinh Hoa, and relic sites to commemorate the young volunteers of Company 915, Team 91 Bac Thai, the province is home to many tourist attractions Nui Coc Lake, Phuong Hoang Cave - Mo Ga stream, Thai Hai stilt house village, Dung Tan eco-tourism site, Tan Cuong community-based tourist area, and Mo Ga tourist village, just to name a few.

Land of tea strives to attract visitors ảnh 2Thai Nguyen is home to many historical sites. (Photo: Vietnamplus)

Moreover, Thai Nguyen is also well known as the land of tea with immense hills of the green shrubs spreading throughout Tan Cuong, La Bang, Khe Coc, and Trai Cai. Tea products and the art of enjoying tea for a long time have become a unique cultural feature of the province, making it attractive to tourists.

Director of the province’s Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism Nguyen Ngoc Tuan said that the locality is focusing on developing four key tourist products, namely cultural, spiritual, and historical tourism; ecotourism; community-based and rural tourism associated with tea culture; and adventure tourism.

In mid-March, the World Tourism Organisation (UNWTO) honoured the Thai Hai Stilt House Preservation & Ecological Tourism Village in the northern province as one of the 'Best Tourism Villages 2022'. It’s the only winner from Southeast Asia among the 31 locations from 17 other countries across the world.

Vice Chairman of the Community-based Tourism Association Vu Van Tuyen spoke highly of the efforts by the local government in preserving and promoting the inherent values. However, he said that Thai Nguyen has not taken full advantage of its potential to develop community-based tourism.

“Thai Nguyen is a new destination with cultural heritages for visitors to experience. But the province needs to locate its brand to create a highlight for visitors. It must offer products as recommendations for tourism companies and tourists,” emphasised Tuyen.

Land of tea strives to attract visitors ảnh 3Visitors at a tea covered hill in Thai Nguyen. (Photo: VietnamPlus)

Sharing the same view, Vice Chairman of the Hanoi Tourism Association Nguyen Manh Than said that Thai Nguyen should refine its products to attract tourists, especially those to community-based tourism because this type of tourism takes advantage of available resources and is not requiring a lot of capital but providing unique products. However, it is also necessary to focus on improving the quality of human resources.

According to experts, Thai Nguyen tourism has not yet identified the highlights as well as key products, which makes it difficult to attract domestic and international tourists to the province.

Director of the Asian Tourism Development Institute, President of the Vietnam Community-based Tourism Association Pham Hai Quynh said that the locality needs to perfect existing products.

“I see Thai Nguyen as home to many valuable villages. Let's make each of these destinations bring sustainable livelihood to the community and be recognised by the market,” Quynh said.

On the basis of ecological potential, experts suggested Thai Nguyen consider a healthcare model to meet tourism needs in the new situation.

Land of tea strives to attract visitors ảnh 4Mo Ga villager tells a tourist about local traditional craft. (Photo: VietnamPlus)

Director of the provincial Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism Nguyen Ngoc Tuan said that to turn tourism into an important economic sector, Thai Nguyen authorities have been focusing resources and implementing concerted solutions to tap into tourism potential./.


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