Laos, Cambodia congratulate Vietnam on army’s 70th anniversary

The Central Committee of the Lao People’s Revolutionary Party has congratulated the Communist Party of Vietnam Central Committee on the 70 th founding anniversary of the Vietnam People’s Army (December 22).

The Central Committee of the Lao People’s Revolutionary Party has congratulated the Communist Party of Vietnam Central Committee on the 70 th founding anniversary of the Vietnam People’s Army (December 22).

In its congratulatory message, the Lao Party Central Committee noted that every victory made by the Vietnamese revolution had the dedication and huge sacrifices of the Vietnam People’s Army.

It cited the 1954 Dien Bien Phu historic victory that put an end to French colonialism in Indochina and the 1975 Ho Chi Minh campaign that led to southern liberation and national unification as examples.

The above successes opened up a new chapter in the struggle for national independence and justice all over the world, it said.

The message conveyed the gratitude from the Party, State, army and people of Laos to the Vietnamese counterparts for standing side by side with them during the past fight for national independence and the current process of national construction and defence, ultimately bringing the cause of national liberation to a complete triumph and the whole nation to the next level of development.

The Lao Party Central Committee praised the Vietnamese Party, State, army and people for further fostering the friendship, special solidarity and comprehensive cooperation between the two Parties, States and peoples.

At the end of the message, it wished the Vietnamese people, under the sound leadership of the Communist Party of Vietnam, continued reaping greater achievements in national development, for the goal of having a strong country with rich people and a democratic, equitable and civilised society.

It also wished for the everlasting friendship, special solidarity and comprehensive cooperation between Laos and Vietnam.

On the occasion, Chairman of the Cambodia People’s Party Chea Sim also extended congratulations to Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong.

He wrote the Cambodia People’s Party, the Government, army and people of Cambodia are grateful for what the Vietnam People’s Army did to liberate them from the Pol Pot genocidal regime and will forever remember the noble deed.

He said he expected that the traditional friendship and all-round cooperation between the two countries will unceasingly grow.-VNA

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