Lord Buddha’s birthday

Lord Buddha’s birthday celebrated

The 2554th anniversary of Lord Buddha’s birthday was celebrated nationwide.
The 2554th anniversary of Lord Buddha’s birthday was celebrated nationwide on May 28 (the fifteen day of the fourth lunar month).

In Hanoi, a grand celebration was chaired by Most Venerable Thich Pho Tue, the Patriarch of the Vietnam Buddhist Sangha (VBS)’s Patronage Council and other dignitaries from the VBS’s Executive Council and the VBS’s Hanoi chapter.

Following a procession of Lord Buddha’s sari, Most Venerable Thich Thanh Tu, Standing Vice Chairman of the VBS’s Central Committee delivered a message by the Patriarch.

In his message, the Patriarch highlighted contributions by Buddhist dignitaries, monks and nuns, and followers inside and outside the country to the Sangha’s activities as well as to the nation’s common affairs.

The Patriarch called on the dignitaries and followers to join the nation in organising a grand Buddhist ceremony in celebration of the 1000 th founding anniversary of Thang Long-Hanoi.

Speaking at the event, Deputy Prime Minister Truong Vinh Trong emphasised that Buddhism has come along with the nation through different stages of history and made worthy contributions to the country’s construction, development and defence cause.

Under the motto “Religion-Nation-Socialism” issued by the VBS, Buddhist monks and nuns and followers are encouraged to work together with people of all walks of life to implement the renewal successfully and advance toward socialism, the Government leader said.

He reiterated that the Party and State always ensure citizens’ rights to religious and belief freedom and facilitate religious practices by dignitaries and followers in line with law.

Deputy PM Trong expressed his hope that the VBS will continue to operate in line with both its Charter and the State’s laws, helping promote the tradition of national patriotism and Buddhism’s spirit of defending the nation and bringing peace to the people.

In Ho Chi Minh City, close to 5,000 Buddhist followers gathered in Pho Quang pagoda, the municipal Buddhist Culture Centre, to pay tribute to Lord Buddha on his birthday.

The event was presided over by Most Venerable Thich Tu Nhon, Standing Vice President of the VBS’s Executive Council and member of the VBS’s Patronage Council, Most Venerable Thich Hien Phap, Vice Patriarch cum Vice President of the VBS’s Executive Council, and others.

President of the municipal Fatherland Front Duong Quan Ha sent greetings to Buddhist dignitaries, monks and nuns and followers in the city on the occasion, hailing their enthusiastic participation in numerous charitable and social programmes, movements and campaigns launched by the Fatherland Front and the municipal administration.

The participants attended rituals and incense offerings in honour of the Lord Buddha and released pigeons to pray for peace.

In other localities, the Lord Buddha’s birthday was marked with numerous activities, including artistic performances and free hand-out of food to the poor./.

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