The September 26-27 forum, themed “VietnamEconomy 2013 – Prospects for 2014: Striving to Implement Three StrategicBreakthroughs”, focuses on seeking major measures, especiallymiddle-term solutions, for the Vietnamese economy.
The Stateand Government should have flexible policies to deal with bad debts,such as settling debts for enterprises or making breakthroughs in somestages, said Ass. Prof. Dr. Tran Dinh Thien, Director of the VietnamInstitute of Economics.
Sharing this view, Dr. Tran Du Lichfrom the NA Economic Committee said Vietnam ’s economy has not yetescaped from stagnation, which resulted from its inner factors includingshortcomings in economic structure and growth model, inadequateperception on the “illness” of the economy, and lack of long-termmeasures.
He stressed that maintaining macroeconomic stability,accelerating economic structuring and building market confidence remainthe leading goal in the time ahead.
At the forum, delegates suggested a harmony between goals on economic growth and stability, and inflation prevention.
It is necessary to maintain total social investment capital at anappropriate rate to help businesses develop, they said, adding that ifnot, enterprises will fall into capital exhaustion, resulting inunemployment and loss of budget revenue.
They agreed that in2013, Vietnam ’s economy has become stable with inflation beingcurbed at a low rate, low trade deficit and high surplus. However, it isforecast to continue growing slowly in short and medium terms due tohigh inventories and bad debts in the real estate market and investors’falling confidence.
The forum is jointly organised by theNational Assembly Economic Committee, the Vietnam Academy ofSocial Sciences, the Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry (VCCI ) and the United Nations Development Programme ( UNDP) in Vietnam.-VNA