Kuala Lumpur (VNA) – Malaysian King Sultan Ibrahim hascalled on people to visit and meet each other to strengthen ties of friendshipand reinforce solidarity in the community on the occasion of Hari Raya - the biggestfestival of the year for Malaysian Muslims.
In his Hari Raya Aidilfitri message dated April 10, King SultanIbrahim expressed his hope that on this sacred occasion, people will show theirforgiveness and cultivate love for each other. The King and Queen Raja ZarithSofiah also wished all Malaysian Muslims a happy Hari Raya Aidilfitri.
Meanwhile, on his personal Facebook page, Malaysian PrimeMinister Anwar Ibrahim called on people to enhance the meaning of thecelebration by eliminating outdated customs and culture that are detrimental tothe country. He also extended his best wishes to the people.
On this occasion, two Malaysian Deputy Prime Ministers - AhmadZahid Hamidi and Fadillah Yusof - called on people to show tolerance,solidarity, and care for underprivileged people to make the Hari Raya festivalmore meaningful for everyone.
The governors of Sabah and Penang also sent good wishes toeveryone on the occasion of Hari Raya via social networks, emphasising theimportance of peace and harmony in a multi-racial, multi-religious, and multi-culturalcountry.
Hari Raya is a major festival celebrated by Muslims all over theworld, symbolising the end of Ramadan, the fasting month. This year, Muslims inMalaysia celebrated the festival on April 10.
About 62.5% of Malaysia’s 34.5 million people are MalayMuslims./.