Malaysian airlines to charge carbon levy soon

Malaysia is gearing up for greener skies once the carbon levy collection by the airlines comes into effect as soon as the Malaysian Aviation Commission (MAVCOM) makes the necessary review, according to Assoc Prof Major Dr Mohd Harridon Mohamed Suffian, an aviation and aerospace expert.
Malaysian airlines to charge carbon levy soon ảnh 1Illustrative image (Photo: Bernama)
Kuala Lumpur (VNA) - Malaysia is gearing up for greener skies once the carbon levy collection by the airlines comes into effect as soon as the Malaysian Aviation Commission (MAVCOM) makes the necessary review, according to Assoc Prof Major Dr Mohd Harridon Mohamed Suffian, an aviation and aerospace expert.

Transport Minister Anthony Loke recently said that the carbon levy can be imposed once the MAVCOM makes the necessary amendments to the MAVCOM (Code of Conduct) Regulations 2018.

Mohd Harridon said the carbon levy is a good strategy for Malaysia’s overall carbon footprint reduction through a linear progression by 2050.

The levy imposed by the airlines is to offset their carbon emissions and is an international obligation applicable to all airlines, not only in Malaysia, to contribute towards the Carbon Offsetting and Reduction Scheme for International Aviation (CORSIA).

Denmark, Sweden, South Africa and the Netherlands are among the countries that have imposed carbon levies upon passengers.

The airlines can either use the levy to purchase sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) or pay credit to offset their carbon emission, explained Mohd Harridon. SAF is recognised globally as the most feasible option to reduce aviation emissions in the near term.

It also gives another avenue for Malaysia to develop its industry around it, he said./.

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