Delegates madethe suggestion at an inter-sectoral meeting in Hanoi on November 29to review Vietnam ’s involvement in ASEAN cooperation this year andset orientations for its partnership with the bloc in 2014.
They hailed Vietnam ’s efforts this year to promote the bloc’s solidarity, friendship, cooperation and prestige.
Specifically, the country has joined with other member nations ineffectively rolling out regional priorities as scheduled whilecontributing to ASEAN’s key decisions, including mapping out directionsfor the bloc’s future development.
Vietnam has workedhard to fulfil national responsibilities towards the association’scommon goals, ensuring its commitments made in the past are met,especially in economics. So far, Vietnam has fulfilled 84.8 percentof its goals towards the establishment of the ASEAN Economic Communityfor the 2008-2013 period, ranking fourth behind Singapore ,Malaysia and Thailand.
During the year, the country hasupheld its role as the Chair of the Initiative for ASEAN Integration(IAI) Task Group and Coordinator for the ASEAN – EU dialogue relationsfor the 2012-2015 period.
It has also worked closely withother coordinators to lift relations with ASEAN partners to greaterheights, especially with Thailand to bolster the ASEAN – Chinarelations, including dealing with the East Sea issue and pushingfor the building of the Code of Conduct in the East Sea (COC).
The country has contributed to regional joint efforts to deal withchallenges, especially non-traditional security challenges like naturalcalamities, epidemics and trans-national crimes. Based on Vietnam ’sproposal, the 23 rd ASEAN Summit adopted the ASEAN Declaration onMutual Assistance on Natural Disasters.
Concluding themeeting, Deputy Foreign Minister Pham Quang Vinh said as an active andresponsible ASEAN member, Vietnam needs to contribute more toASEAN’s joint efforts in realising the community as scheduled, expandingties with partners and upholding the grouping’s central role inimportant issues related to regional peace, security and development.-VNA