Mid-Autumn toy making village in Hung Yen

Nearly 40 km from Hanoi, Hao village in the northern province of Hung Yen, is busy in preparations, these days, for the upcoming mid-Autumn Festival.
Mid-Autumn toy making village in Hung Yen ảnh 1Hao village in Khoai Chau district, Hung Yen provine, with hundreds of years of history, is one of Vietnam’s most famous villages for making traditional toys for mid-Autumn Festival (Photo: VNA)
Mid-Autumn toy making village in Hung Yen ảnh 2According to village elders, nobody knows exactly when tanning became the Hao village’s traditional craft, but they are all sure that drum-making for children for the mid-Autumn festival has been shaped for more than 100 years (Photo: VNA)
Mid-Autumn toy making village in Hung Yen ảnh 3The villagers mostly use water buffalo skin bought from other localities to make drums (Photo: VNA)
Mid-Autumn toy making village in Hung Yen ảnh 4Hao villagers make mid-Autumn toys all year round, but are at their busiest during the sixth and seventh months, to prepare for wholesale to other localities (Photo: VNA)
Mid-Autumn toy making village in Hung Yen ảnh 5Other traditional toys like masks, lion heads, and uncle Teu (a typical puppet in Vietnamese water puppetry) are handmade (Photo: VNA)
Mid-Autumn toy making village in Hung Yen ảnh 6The Mid-Autumn Festival falls on the 15th day of the eighth lunar month, and is a major traditional festival of many Asian countries. In Vietnam, it is also a special festival for children who are presented with toy drums, masks, star-shaped lanterns (Photo: VNA)

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