In Gia Lai,Minister Nguyen Thi Kim Tien spoke highly of efforts by local healthsector in improving the quality of medical check-up and treatment.
Sheurged the sector to soon draw up a human resources development planwhich focuses on training specialists, in order to solve the currentshortage of doctors.
She suggested the building of satellitehospitals to take advantage of investment and technology transfer fromcentral-level hospitals.
The minister also asked Gia Lai to workharder to further cut down mother and infant mortality rates byextending the vaccination campaign to remote areas.
Meanwhile, inHo Chi Minh City , Cao Hung Thai, deputy head of the ministry’sHealth Examination and Treatment Management Department, checked theimprovement of health care services at the Trung Vuong Hospitaland the Hospital of District 2.
He found that the time patientshave to wait for their check-up has been shortened significantly thanksto increasing staff and information technology application.
Surveysof medical establishments across Vietnam show that health examinationprocess has seen a reduction from 10-17 steps to 4-6 while patients nowhave to wait for only about 40 minutes on average to get a check-up.-VNA