The plan also looks to improving the management,conservation, and utilisation of water resources to serve the country’s sustainablesocio-economic development and ensure water security amid climate change.
The MoNRE has been building institutional andlegal documents in the direction of refining technical standards andregulations regarding the management of water resources, as well asimplementing financial policies to provide clean water for the daily use andsewage treatment.
It has been conducting a study on waterresources as well as evaluation and forecast of climate change impacts on waterresources, thereby submitting a national strategy on water resources through2030, with a vision towards 2050, to the Prime Minister for approval.
It will draw maps on water resources with scalesof 1/100,000 for 50 percent of the nation’s total area, 1/50,000 forwater-shortage regions, and 1/25,000 for key areas, alongside with building anational database and a cross-border water resource monitoring network.
The ministry will also classify water resourcesand recover contaminated rivers in addition to controlling reductions in undergroundand surface water resources in line with the Vietnam Sustainable DevelopmentStrategy for 2011-2020.-VNA