More Australian students to study in Vietnam

Nearly 270 Australian undergraduates will enter short-term courses and internship programmes in Vietnam in 2016 as part of the New Colombo Plan Scholarship Programme.
More Australian students to study in Vietnam ảnh 1Illustration photo. Source:

Nearly 270 Australian undergraduates will enter short-term courses and internship programmes in Vietnam in 2016 as part of the New Colombo Plan Scholarship Programme, unveiled the Australian Embassy on September 4.

Accordingly, the number has soared 66.6 percent from 2015.

Students will participate in various fields of knowledge and practical skills, including business management, agriculture, health and the humanities across 30 universities, organisations and enterprises.

The Diplomatic Academy of Vietnam, the Foreign Trade University, Bach Mai and Cho Ray hospitals and FPT Vietnam Company are among the establishments named on the host location list.

Australian Ambassador to Vietnam Hugh Borrowman said he believes the initiative fellows will come back home with insight into the Southeast Asian country and new friendships to contribute to the comprehensive partnership between Vietnam and Australia.

The Australian Government designed the New Colombo Plan to offer opportunities for local undergraduates to undertake semester-based study and internships or mentorships in participating Indo-Pacific countries. Next year, 5,800 students will be sponsored to live, study and work in the region.-VNA


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