TheVietnamese Embassy in Algeria is coordinating with the ForeignMinistry and relevant agencies of Vietnam to bring those workershome soon.
Meanwhile, 63 Vietnamese workers, who work forSejoog of the Republic of Korea (RoK) were brought to the CairoInternational Airport, Egypt, on Feb. 27 morning by a Portugal plane.Twenty-two of them flied on Qatar airlines to Vietnam in theafternoon of the same day, while other will return to Vietnam onnext flights.
Also on Feb. 27 morning, 382 Vietnamese workers,who work for Huyndai AJMCO of the RoK, came to Egypt through Salloumborder gate. Only one of them has passport and the rest had receivedlaissez-passers from the Vietnamese Embassy in Egypt .
Huyndai AJMCO bought 100 air tickets for those Vietnamese workers to return home.
The Vietnamese embassy in Egypt sent a mission to Salloum with 1,000Laissez-passers to grant to Vietnamese workers at the bode gate ashundreds of Vietnamese workers from Libya are expected to come tothe Egyptian border.
A plane of Vietnam Airlines, carrying amission, will leave Hanoi on Feb. 28 and is scheduled to arrive inCairo in the morning of Mar. 1 to bring Vietnamese workers home.
Another flight of the airlines is scheduled to leave for Egypt on Mar. 2 with the same purpose./.