☀️ Morning digest May 20

The following is a list of selected news summaries reported last weekend by the Vietnam News Agency.

☀️ Morning digest May 20

Hanoi (VNA) - The ninth session of the 13th Party Central Committee wrapped up on May 18 after three days working, completing all agenda.

An overview of the ninth session of the 13th Party Central Committee (Photo: VNA)

Closing the session, General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong underlined the need to continue focusing on preparing documents for the upcoming 14th National Party Congress, ensuring that the documents demonstrate the will and strength to rise of the whole Party, people, and army in the new development period, as well as the determination to build a strong nation of democracy, prosperity, civilisation, and happiness, steadily advancing to socialism. Read full story

- Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong had a working session with key leaders on May 18 right after the closing of the Party Central Committee’s ninth session the same day, during which many important issues were decided and a number of officials selected to nominate to the 15th National Assembly (NA) for the positions of State President and NA Chairman.

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Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong has a working session with key leaders on May 18 (Photo: VNA)

Trong congratulated the committee for unanimously nominating To Lam, Politburo member and Minister of Public Security, to the NA for election as the next State President; and Tran Thanh Man, Politburo member and NA Permanent Vice Chairman for NA Chairman.Read full story

- Representatives from the Party Central Committee, State, National Assembly, Government, and the Vietnam Fatherland Front Central Committee laid wreaths at President Ho Chi Minh’s Mausoleum to pay tribute to the late leader, and offered incense at the Monument dedicated to Martyrs in Hanoi on May 18 on the occasion of President Ho Chi Minh's 134th birthday (May 19, 1890-2024).

Leaders pay tribute to President Ho Chi Minh to mark his 134th birthday (Photo: VNA)

Prominent in the delegation were Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh; Politburo member, standing member of the Party Central Committee and Chairman of the General Department of Politics of the Vietnam People's Army General Luong Cuong; Permanent Vice Chairman of the National Assembly Tran Thanh Man; Secretary of the Party Central Committee and President of the Vietnam Fatherland Front Central Committee Do Van Chien; member of the Party Central Committee and Acting State President Vo Thi Anh Xuan; and former Party, State and National Assembly leaders. Read full story

- Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh on May 19 called on all Vietnamese adults, regardless of gender, ethnic groups, religion, or region, to register as an organ donor.

He made the call at a ceremony to launch the organ and tissue donation campaign at the Vietnam-Germany Hospital in Hanoi by the Ministry of Health, the Vietnam Red Cross Society and the Organ and Tissue Donation Association. Read full story

- Personnel work will be tabled right after the seventh session of the National Assembly (NA) opens on May 20, according to Secretary General of the NA and Chairman of its Office Bui Van Cuong.

Cuong told a press conference in Hanoi on May 19 that the State President and the NA Chairperson will be elected at the session, and this work is expected to be completed on May 22 morning. Read full story

- Deputy Minister of Planning and Investment Tran Quoc Phuong and French Minister Delegate for Foreign Trade, Economic Attractiveness, Francophonie and French Nationals Abroad Franck Riester co-chaired the 8th session of the Vietnam-France High-Level Dialogue on Economy in Paris on May 17.

Addressing the event, Riester underlined the importance of this year's annual dialogue for the two countries which enjoy a dynamic relationship formed through decades of effective co-operation across a variety of fields. Read full story

- A delegation from the Supreme People’s Court led by is Deputy Chief Justice Nguyen Van Tien paid an official visit to Cuba from May 13-18 to promote bilateral relations and attend the 11th International Meeting of Justice and Law.

At a working session with Chief Justice of the Supreme People's Court of Cuba Rubén Remigio Ferro, Tien reviewed the developments in judicial cooperation between the two countries. He also briefed the host on main reforms in the Vietnamese court system in recent times, including perfecting institutions, reforming judicial administrative procedures, building electronic courts and applying information technology in court activities. Read full story


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