Hanoi (VNA) – The National Assembly hasapproved a proposal of the NA Standing Committee on postponing the debate and adoptionof the draft Law on Special Administrative and Economic Units of Van Don, BacVan Phong, and Phu Quoc.
In the morning meeting ofthe NA on June 11, 423 deputies, or 85.63 percent of the NA, voted for theproposal, which suggested the draft law should be considered and adopted at thenext session instead of being approved at the closing meeting on June 15morning.
According to NA Vice Chairman Uong Chu Luu, thebuilding of the draft law on special economic zones is a major policy of theParty and State.
However, this is a new, complicated andcontroversial issue, so the NA Standing Committee had agreed with theGovernment to ask the legislature for permission to delay the approval of thebill in order to have more time for studying and completion, Luu said.
After the voting, NA Chairwoman Nguyen Thi KimNgan mentioned gatherings in some localities on June 10 with some involving inextremist acts affecting social order and people’s normal life. This showedthat issues discussed at the legislature are pervading the society, she said,expressing her regret that some persons did not understand the nature of thematter, hence overreacting.
The top legislator called on people nationwideto keep calm and trust the Party and State.
She stressed that the NA always listens toopinions from people about draft laws deliberated at the legislature.
The NA Standing Committeealso asked the NA to assign the Government to coordinate with the committee inresearching, collecting opinions and revising the draft law along with related draftresolutions and projects.
The Government needs to instruct ministries,departments and localities to tighten land use management in areas designatedfor the special administrative-economic units, while making preparations ofresources and necessary conditions to ensure that the law and related resolutionswill be implemented immediately after approval.
At the same time, the NA requested theGovernment to enhance communication activities to clarify issues of concern of votersand people nationwide to create high public consensus on the draft law.-VNA