At thereception, Chairman Hung applauded the visit as it aims to raisecooperation between the JCP and the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) to anew level of development for peace and friendship.
He emphasised the need to continue preserving and promoting therelationship between the two parties as it is an inheritance andproceeding to the time-honoured Vietnam-Japan ties.
He spoke highly of cooperation and exchanges between the two partiesover the past time, suggesting that the two sides continue to diversifyforms of cooperation and coordination to clarify theoretical andpractical issues on socialism.
Chairman Hung saidhe is pleased with the positive development of Vietnam-Japan ties,especially in 2013 when the two countries are celebrating the 40thanniversary of their diplomatic ties and the Vietnam-Japan FriendshipYear.
At present, the two sides are focusing ondeveloping their relations in the framework of the Strategic Partnershipfor Peace and Prosperity in Asia as agreed by their high-rankingleaders, he added.
The top Vietnamese legislatorexpressed his wish that the JCP will make more efforts to fostercooperation between the two parliaments and increase exchanges betweenfriendship parliamentarians’ groups.
For his part,Shii Kazuo informed the host of the outcomes of his talks with GeneralSecretary of the CPV Central Committee Nguyen Phu Trong, saying thatthe two parties have agreed to bring their ties to a new height throughthe continuation of theoretical exchanges and promotion of multi-facetedcooperation.
He suggested the Vietnamese andJapanese Parliaments further step up cooperation programmes and projectsin order to share legislative experience.
The sameday, the Japanese guests were received by CPV Politburo member To HuyRua, who is currently the President of the Vietnam-Japan FriendshipParliamentarians’ Group.
Rua hailed the relationshipbetween the JCP and the CPV, saying that it plays an important rolein promoting the two countries’ ties. He also spoke highly of the roleof JCP lawmakers in the Japan-Vietnam Friendship ParliamentarianAlliance, especially in fostering the relations between the twoparliaments.
The JCP Chairman affirmed that hisparty will support and actively join the alliance’s efforts tostrengthen cooperation between the two parliaments and the two countriesin general.
During their stay in Vietnam, theJapanese communists had a working session with a delegation from theCPV Central Committee’s Commission for External Affairs led by its headHoang Binh Quan. The two sides discussed several regional andinternational issues of common concern as well as measures to realisecooperation and exchange plans.-VNA