NA Chairwoman commits support to OVs in Turkey

National Assembly (NA) Chairwoman Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan affirmed that the Vietnamese Party and State always create favourable conditions for overseas Vietnamese to preserve their national culture and contribute to the homeland under the policy of promoting national unity.
NA Chairwoman commits support to OVs in Turkey ảnh 1NA Chairwoman Nguyen Thi Kim Nhan presents gift to the embassy (Source: VNA)
Ankara (VNA) – National Assembly (NA) Chairwoman Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan affirmed that the Vietnamese Party and State always create favourable conditions for overseas Vietnamese to preserve their national culture and contribute to the homeland under the policy of promoting national unity.

The top legislator made the pledge during a meeting with staff of the Vietnamese embassy and Vietnamese nationals in Ankara, the capital city of Turkey on October 10, as part of her official visit to Turkey. 

Ngan said the high-ranking Vietnamese NA delegation is in Turkey to attend the third Meeting of Speakers of Eurasian Countries’ Parliaments (MSEAP 3) and for an official visit on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of bilateral diplomatic ties. 

She informed the audience that the Turkey-Vietnam Business and Investment Forum, held in Istanbul on October 8, attracted 160 Turkish and nearly 40 Vietnamese firms, proving their interest in business opportunities in Vietnam. 

The NA leader briefed the OV community about socio-economic performance at home, major diplomatic activities of the State over the past years, including hosting the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Leaders’ Week 2017 and the 26th Annual Meeting of the Asia-Pacific Parliamentary Forum in 2018, contributing to improving Vietnam’s position in the region and the world. 

She said the Vietnamese NA is preparing for its sixth session which is scheduled to open on October 22, adding that the Communist Party of Vietnam Central Committee had nominated its General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong for the position of President, and the NA will hold a voting on the position at the upcoming session. 

The leader underlined the embassy staff’s responsibility to work to strengthen bilateral ties, including actively popularise the images of Vietnam and its people in the host country. 

The NA Chairwoman wished that the Vietnamese community in Turkey would seriously abide by laws in the host country, regularly contact representative Vietnamese agencies there to get updated on domestic situation and join hands to foster Vietnam – Turkey ties.-VNA

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