NA Chairwoman welcomes new Cambodian Ambassador

National Assembly Chairwoman Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan has expressed her belief that new Cambodian Ambassador to Vietnam Chay Navuth will contribute more to ties between Vietnam and Cambodia, as well as between the two legislatures.
NA Chairwoman welcomes new Cambodian Ambassador ảnh 1National Assembly Chairwoman Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan (R) and Cambodian Ambassador to Vietnam Chay Navuth (Photo: VNA)

Hanoi (VNA)
– National Assembly Chairwoman Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan has expressed her belief that new Cambodian Ambassador to Vietnam Chay Navuth will contribute more to ties between Vietnam and Cambodia, as well as between the two legislatures.

During a reception in Hanoi on June 30, Ngan lauded the two countries for deploying important external activities, including two Vietnam visits by Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen, the signing and ratification of two legal documents on land border demarcation and marker planting, thus creating an important legal framework for the process of building a borderline of peace, friendship, stability, cooperation and development.

The Chairwoman added that the fight against COVID-19 also reflects solidary between the two nations.

Navuth, for his part, thanked the Vietnamese Party, State and people for providing Cambodia with medical supplies to back its fight against COVID-19. Recalling volunteer Vietnamese soldiers’ support for Cambodia in the past, he said Cambodia has revived thanks to Vietnam’s assistance.

He congratulated Vietnam on its recent socio-economic achievements, which he said, are partly attributable to the Vietnamese legislature. He also believed that that the Vietnamese NA will achieve more successes in its capacity as Chair of the 41st General Assembly of ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly (AIPA 41).

Ngan informed the ambassador about Vietnam’s online activities with leaders of regional governments and legislatures in its capacity as Chair of ASEAN and AIPA to discuss common issues.

Vietnam is preparing for Party congresses at all levels, towards the 13th National Party Congress, the election of deputies to the 15th NA and the People’s Councils at all levels during the 2021-2025 tenure, she said.

Speaking highly of ties between the Vietnamese and Cambodian legislatures, Ngan suggested that both sides should raise public awareness of the bilateral relationship, especially among young generations.

She wished that the ambassador would work closely with Vietnamese ministries and agencies to implement agreements reached by senior leaders, as well as introduce the potential of coordination between ministries, agencies, localities and business communities.

The Chairwoman asked the ambassador to continue stepping up the settlement of difficulties faced by the Vietnamese community in Cambodia.

Both nations should offer mutual support to hold multilateral external events hosted by each side, especially ASEAN and AIPA, contributing to sustainable development in the region, she said./.


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