Deputy Minister Nguyen The Phuong said that green growth is animportant goal in the country’s industrialisation and modernisation, andthe world’s common development tendency in the 21 st century withinternational cooperation and commitments to ensuring sustainabledevelopment through green production, environmental protection andenergy conservation.
It attracts the attentionof the international community as well as domestic and foreigndevelopment organisations as it focuses on support and cooperation incoping with climate change, a global issue, he added.
The official said that Vietnam always treasures contributions by itsforeign partners like the World Bank, the US Agency for InternationalDevelopment, Belgium and the Republic of Korea to the working out ofcountry’s strategy and plan on the issue.
Heurged businesses to apply environment-friendly technologies to reducegreenhouse gas emissions, saying that they are a decisive factor in thecountry’s green growth strategy.
Representativesfrom international organisations shared their experience in studyingand implementing green growth-related activities in different countries,and affirmed their continued support for Vietnam in this field.-VNA