He made the request while chairingthe Government’s regular meeting for March and a teleconference with the 63provinces and centrally-run cities to discuss the socio-economic situation in thefirst quarter and set tasks for Q2.
Officials highlighted the continued socio-economicrecovery in March with results last month higher than inJanuary and February and the Q1 performance faring better than the same periodlast year in most areas.
However, they also pointed out certaindifficulties and challenges, including those facing production and businessactivities, the inflationary and foreign exchange pressure, latent risks in thefinancial and monetary markets and the banking system, the shortage of fillingmaterials for road construction in the southern region, and life hardshipsfacing some people.
Mentioningsome key tasks and solutions for the coming time, PM Chinh emphasised thedemand for exerting efforts to reach the growth target of 6.5% for 2024.
He ordered ministries, sectors, andlocalities to stay determined to address every difficulty and challenge, implementtasks and not to lower their guard, and protect the cadres who think big andact bold for common interest. They also need to keep the determination toimprove the investment and business climate, tackle difficulties, facilitate productionand business activities, and ensure people and enterprises truly gain benefits.Besides, they should show the determination to make all-out efforts to securethe best possible results in 2024.
At the same time, the PM asked forensuring the comprehensive, drastic, and effective implementation of the tasksand solutions set by the Party Central Committee, Politburo, key leaders, NationalAssembly, and Government. He ordered ensuring macro-economic stability, majorbalances of the economy, and inflation control; ensuring the healthydevelopment and transparency of markets like the real estate and capital ones;and ensuring sufficient conditions for implementing the new salary regime fromJuly 1.
In addition, it is also important toensure social welfare; security and safety; the fight against corruption, other negative phenomena and wastefulness; along with independence, sovereignty, andterritorial unity and integrity.
Besides, the Government leader alsoasked ministries, sectors, and localities to promote economic growth in allfields during which traditional growth drivers must be renewed and new driversboosted. Economic shift should be promoted towards green transition, digitaleconomy, circular economy, knowledge-based economy, sharing economy, andemerging sectors. They were requested to promote the mobilisation of all socialresources for development investment, the facilitation of production, businessand job creation, and the settlement of outstanding problems and prolongedprojects.
He demanded the three strategicbreakthroughs on institutional perfection, comprehensive and moderninfrastructure development, and human resources development be promoted. Ministries,sectors, and localities need to promote external activities, internationalintegration, the consolidation of Vietnam’s stature and prestige in the world,as well as the capitalisation of international treaties and agreements of high-ranking leaders. Promoting national digital transformation is also a crucialtask mentioned by the PM.
Assigningtasks to each ministry, sector, and locality, he told them to have a good graspof the situation, make timely policy response, stay united, actively and effectivelyperform duties, and coordinate closely with one another to achieve the settargets./.