Hanoi (VNA) - The extension of aninsurance subsidy scheme for offshore fishing households until the end of thisyear has failed to benefit anyone.
Officials say this has happened because a newlegal corridor has to be enacted by the Government before implementation canbegin.
Two years after the Government introducedthe offshore fishing insurance scheme with Decree No 67/2014/ND-CP, just7,500 fishing households in the country had participated in it.
Under Article 5 of the Decree, the Governmentwould provide financial support to all offshore fishing household co-operativemembers participating in the Government’s insurance scheme.
The Government would support 70 percent of theinsurance payment for fishing boats with 90 CV to 400 CV engines; and 90percent of the insurance value for boat having engine power from 400 CV upwards. However, the Decree expired by late 2016.
At a year-end meeting in December 2016, theGovernment decided to extend implementation of the Decree for another 12 monthsuntil December 31, 2017.
However, the decision is yet to be implemented.
Meanwhile, many fishing households havecomplained that changes in the banks’ lending policies have made it verydifficult for them to obtain credit.
They’ve also expressed their hope that duringthe extension period, more insurance companies would join in the scheme so thatthey would have more choices.
They also want the Government to extend thefishing grounds under the cover of the insurance scheme.
For the extension period of Decree 67/2014 tillDecember 31, 2017, Bao Minh Insurance Corporation has been appointed to act asthe sole insurance agency.
To speed up the implementation of the extension,Deputy Prime Minister Trinh Dinh Dung has asked the Ministry of Finance tooversee the selling of insurance schemes to project beneficiaries.-VNA