Speaking at a conference on Resolution 98/2023/QH15 pilotingspecial mechanisms and policies for the development of HCM City, whichofficially took effect on August 1, with overseas Vietnamese (OV)entrepreneurs, Hai also expressed his hope that they will help connect andattract financial institutions and economic groups to seek investmentopportunities in the city.
He affirmed that the city is always well aware of the bigrole of Vietnamese businesses and entrepreneurs, especially those livingabroad, in popularising policies of the Party and laws of the State in generaland those of HCM City in particular to international friends.
Mai Phan Dung, Vice Chairman of the State Committee forOverseas Vietnamese Affairs, emphasised that the overseas Vietnamese community,including OV entrepreneurs, are abundant resources that need to be attracted tojoin hands in implementing the development tasks set for Ho Chi Minh City inthe coming time.
At the event, Vietnamese entrepreneurs from Poland, the UK,Thailand, the Republic of Korea, Taiwan (China) and Japan contributed theirideas to attract more foreign investment and boost international cooperationin calling for and implementing projects in the fields of technology, renewableenergy and education.
They pledged to maintain support for the city during theprocess of carrying out Resolution 98, and well serve as a bridge connectingthe city with reliable international partners./.