Over 92% of Vietnam’s population covered by health insurance: VSS

About 91.1 million people in Vietnam participated in health insurance last year, accounting for 92.04% of its population and marking an increase of over 2.2 million participants compared to that of 2021, according to the Vietnam Social Security (VSS).
Over 92% of Vietnam’s population covered by health insurance: VSS ảnh 1Vietnam's health insurance coverage reaches 92.04% last year. (Photo: VNA)

Hanoi (VNA) – About 91.1 million people in Vietnam participated in health insurance last year, accounting for 92.04% of its population and marking an increase of over 2.2 million participants compared to that of 2021, according to the Vietnam Social Security (VSS).

Speaking at the online conference that the VSS organised on January 11 to launch this year’s tasks, its General Director Nguyen The Manh said that the health insurance coverage exceeds the targets set by the National Assembly and Government.

In addition, about 17.5 million people joined social insurance last year, accounting for 38.08% of Vietnam’s workforce. About 143 million people participated in unemployment insurance, making up 31.18% of the workforce.

Last year, the VSS handled over 95,600 new claims and promptly paid monthly pensions and social insurance allowances to 3.3 million people. Nearly 11 million people enjoyed sickness, maternity, convalescence, and health rehabilitation allowances; while over 977,600 got unemployment insurance benefits; and 151.4 million health insurance benefits. The total amount of money spent on beneficiaries reached 382 trillion VND (16.3 billion USD).

At the conference, Manh asked the whole sector to continue reviewing and simplifying administrative procedures; expanding the forms of providing online public services at level 4 and accelerating digital transformation.

He asked for connecting social and health insurance data systems to those of ministries and agencies as well as promoting the effective interconnection among national databases on insurance./.


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