Ata conference to launch its work for 2011, the HCM City Committee forOversea Vietnamese Affairs reported that there are 138 OV professors,associate professors, Ph.Ds, and researchers working in various projectsand programmes in the city, which is Vietnam’s biggest economic hub.
Bythe end of 2010, more than 2,500 OVs registered for doing business inthe city with a total charter capital of nearly 37 trillion VND.
Themunicipal authorities had granted licences to 117 OV-invested projectscapitalised at 275 million USD, including 10 projects worth nearly 158million USD in the Hi-tech Park.
In 2010, OVs’ remittances to Ho Chi Minh City hit 4 billion USD.
Chairmanof the municipal People’s Committee Le Hoang Quan said OVs have madesizeable contributions to the city’s annual average GDP growth rate of11.2 percent over the past five years./.