During the event, the Committee willreview the implementation of the Resolution of its 5 th meeting onbuilding and developing an advanced Vietnamese culture imbued withnational identity.
It will consider draft documents to besubmitted to the 12 th National Party Congress and discuss preparationsfor the event.
Regulations on elections within the Party, thecollection of votes of confidence, and the implementation of a pilotmodel removing people’s councils at district and communal levels arealso on agenda.
In his opening remarks, General SecretaryTrong highlighted the importance of reviewing the 15-yearimplementation of the Resolution of the Party Central Committee’s 5 thmeeting, in order to continue cultural development and renovation. Hesaid this is essential if the requirements the currentindustrialisation, modernisation and international integration trendsare to be met.
“The conference should point outachievements and shortcomings during the implementation of theresolution and properly assess the seriousness of any culturalbackwardness, degradation in morality and lifestyle, fadingrevolutionary ideology and other negative phenomena,” he stressed.
Based on analysis of these problems and forecasts on the domestic andinternational situation by 2020, the Party chief suggested the CentralCommittee consider the issuance of a new resolution on building anddeveloping Vietnamese culture and people in the new period.
Regarding preparations for the 12 th National Party Congress, GeneralSecretary Trong stated that the congress will be held in early 2016.
The Party Central Committee should discuss specific issues mentioned indraft reports to be submitted to the congress, including political andsocio-economic updates, he said.
Draft documents mustassess the implementation of major policies defined in the documents ofthe 11 th National Party Congress and the resolutions of the 11 thParty Central Committee, such as growth model renovation, economicrestructuring and adjustment to socio-economic development objectives.
He emphasised the need to issue a directive on organising thecongresses of Party committees at all levels towards the 12 th NationalParty Congress.
“This is a very important task as it will ensure the success of this important event,” he said.
About the draft voting rules within the Party that will come up forapproval during the conference, Trong requested that the final productmust ensure each Party member earnestly abides by all Party regulations,turning the Party into a strong and united body in sound order.
The conference will also review the pilot model removing people’scouncils at communal and district levels, and debate the rights,responsibilities and tasks of 10 municipal and provincialadministrations under the central management.
It must reach consensus on how to best organise local administrations, making it easier for them to fulfill assigned tasks.
In accordance with the new Constitution, the National Assembly willamend and issue many new laws, including the law on the organisation oflocal government, he said.
When it came to theconfidence vote on senior officials of Party committees and units, theState, the Vietnam Fatherland Front chapters and socio-politicalorganisations, Trong described it an absolutely necessary move that willcontinue in the coming time, because its result will serve as areference evaluating personnel performance.
However, healso urged a careful attitude while getting it done because it is newand sensitive issue. It is preferable to learn from experience, he said.
Participants were asked to propose ideas involving thevote timing, positions, procedures and public result announcement. ThePolitburo later will list all changes needed based on theirrecommendations.
As this conference’s agenda is criticalto fulfilling the Party Central Committee’s political goals during therest of its tenure, he called on them to do all they can developingpractical and constructive ideas with the highest sense ofresponsibility.-VNA