He said the draft amended Law on Corruption Prevention andControl will be considered for approval in the coming sixth session of theNational Assembly. He acknowledged that asset filing, disclosure and control isa hard issue because it relates to other laws and rights of citizens and assetconfidentiality.
About the settlement of corruption cases, he said the workhas been stepped up over the past five years, notably cases regardingPetroVietnam officials Dinh La Thang and Trinh Xuan Thanh which were trialledearlier than schedule, adding that many cases last for 2-3 years because of theinvolvement of many people.
Based on persuasive evidence, the courts could announcestrict or humane verdicts, he said, citing that up to 8.5 trillion VND (364.8million USD) has been reclaimed to the State budget in Mobifone’s purchase ofAVG television channel.
According to him, the CPV Central Committee agreed to issue forthe first time a regulation on the responsibility of all Party members forsetting examples, firstly Politburo members, members of the Secretariat andnearly 200 members of the CPV Central Committee.
The CPV also issued regulations on 19 taboos for Partymembers and 27 negative phenomena that need to be prevented.
Each official or Party member needs to be industrious,thrifty, honest, righteous, public-spirited and selfless, serving as a servantof the people, he said, adding that officials of higher rankings need to setbetter examples, he said.
Agreeing with agenda for the coming sixth session of thelegislature, constituents wished that the National Assembly would thoroughlyreview socio-economic targets and outline solutions to fulfilling them,believing that the meeting will be a success.
They expressed hope that the Party, State and NA would paymore attention to education-training via training of teachers and improvingdignity of students, and compiling textbooks in a proper and economical way.
They asked for thoroughly dealing with violence in familiesand schools, wildlife and sand poaching and dirty food production, while strengtheningsocial and natural resources management, preventing pollution, coping with theshortage of roads, bridges and schools.
Voters also expressed concern over landslides and trafficaccidents that cause human and material losses. In health care, well-traineddoctors are mostly in major cities while fake and bad quality medicines remainavailable.
Amid rapid urbanisation, they called for attention toecological environment protection, ensuring social welfare and vocationaltraining, and creating more jobs.
As regards the use of banned substances, antibiotics andstimulants in cultivation and animal husbandry, they affirmed the necessity toissue the Law on Animal Husbandry and the Law on Cultivation.
In order to bring the Law on Prevention and Control of theHarmful Consequences of Tobacco Use and Alcohols into life, they suggested thatdocuments guiding its enforcement should be issued soon.
They also applauded the CPV Central Committee’s nominationof the Party chief to the post of President in replace of the late Stateleader.
The Party leader told voters that their suggestions to theabove laws will be gathered to submit to the legislature and thanked them forsupporting his nomination, saying that the election result will be decided bythe legislature in the coming meeting.
Chairman of the municipal People’s Committee Nguyen DucChung also answered issues regarding the city’s development.-VNA