Party chief meets Chairman of Communist Party USA

Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong met Chairman of the Communist Party USA John Bachtell and left-wingers in Washington D.C. on July 9 (local time).
Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong met Chairman of the Communist Party USA John Bachtell and left-wingers in Washington D.C. on July 9 (local time).

Bachtell congratulated the Communist Party and people of Vietnam on their socio-economic achievements over the past 30 years, and expressed his proud of the traditional solidarity between the two Communist parties, saying that the Communist Party USA will do its best to facilitate the Vietnam – US ties.

The host also briefed his guest on the recent US developments and the Communist Party USA’s current and future activities.

The Party chief congratulated the success of the 30th Congress of the Communist Party USA, and believed that the Party will continually strive to fulfill its responsibility as a political mainstay of the US working people.

He thanked the US communists for their support to Vietnam’s past liberation as well as the current national construction and development.

Though geographically distant, the Communist Party and people of Vietnam closely follow the developments of their US fellows, he said while expressing his delight at the close ties between the two parties.

The Party leader invited Bachtell to visit Vietnam later this year. He sincerely thanked and accepted it with pleasure.-VNA

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