They said the Party chief’s view, with a dialectical approach, has an importantrole in choosing the contingent of qualified Party officials for the 2026-2031tenure, meeting the expectations of the Party and the entire people.
Engineer Bui Cong Khe, Director of the Hanoi Union of Science and TechnologyAssociations’ Centre of New Materials, agreed with Party General Secretary Trong’sorientations that members of the 14th Party Central Committee must showtheir firm political mettle, pure morality and outstanding capacity.
Meanwhile, members of the sub-committee andits supporting group must prove their reliability, absolute loyalty, honestyand fair-mindedness, he said, adding the Party leader’s speech showed thatduring the selection process, it is necessary to have regulations that are inline with the Party’s principles on democratic centralism and fairness.
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ha Quy Quynh, from the VietnamAcademy of Science and Technology, held the speech highlighted that theselection of cadres is made on the basis of social science and humanity besides traditional methods.
He described the speech, which also turned a spotlight on theoretical issues andperspectives on personnel affairs, as a valuable document for officials in chargeof the Party organisation work.
Through the speech, Quynh found that those who engage in the Partyorganiastion work and personnel affairs must build and select officials and Partymembers in a harmonious and fundamental way for long-term benefits./.