Personnel work a decisive factor for success of revolution: Opinions

Officials and Party members in the Central Highlands province of Kon Tum have paid special attention to Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong’s speech at the first meeting of the sub-committee for personnel affairs of the 14th National Party Congress.

An overview of the first meeting of the sub-committee for personnel affairs of the 14th National Party Congress. (Photo: VNA)
An overview of the first meeting of the sub-committee for personnel affairs of the 14th National Party Congress. (Photo: VNA)

Kon Tum (VNA) – Officials and Party members in the Central Highlands province of Kon Tum have paid special attention to Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong’s speech at the first meeting of the sub-committee for personnel affairs of the 14th National Party Congress.

Nguyen Huynh, former deputy head of the provincial Party Committee’s Commission for Information and Education and former rector of the Kon Tum political school held that personnel preparations for the upcoming congress has a strategic significance to the destiny, survival and development of the country.

He noted that the recent violations by a number of high-ranking officials during their working term have caused bad public opinion.

Therefore, the 14th National Party Congress must take virtue, talent, reputation and working performance as the basis and criteria for evaluation and selection of officials, thus ensuring that the selected officials are good examples in working and lifestyle and show high sense of responsibility, he said.

The former official underlined that it is necessary to ensure harmony in the structure of officials in terms of region, culture, ethnic groups and age.

Sharing Huynh’s ideas, Hoang Dinh Chieu, a Party member of Party Cell 2 of Duy Tan ward, Kon Tum city, asserted that personnel work is a key and vital step, and the major factor deciding the success or failure of the revolution. He underlined that personnel for the 14th Congress are strategic-level officials, so the selected official must have both good qualifications and virtue.

Chieu said that leading officials’ recent violations of regulations on things that Party members are not allowed to do and the responsibility of Party members to set good examples have negatively affected the prestige of the Party and State. Therefore, the upcoming congress must focus on selecting officials with good morality and lifestyle and good reputation in the community.

The selected officials must have high sense of responsibility in maintaining the solidarity and unity of the Party, not allowing their family and relatives to abuse their power to seek personal gains, he said, stressing that the most important thing is to choose the right officials who are virtuous and talent./.


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