Hanoi, (VNA) – The Politburo has given warning as adisciplinary measure to the Party committees of the 2016-2021 tenure at theMinistry of Science and Technology (MoST) and the Ministry of Health (MoH) overtheir wrongdoings.
The decision was made at a meeting on June 4 of the Politburo and theSecretariat of the Party Central Committee under the chair of Party GeneralSecretary Nguyen Phu Trong.
The Secretariat also decided to expel Pham Cong Tac, member of theParty committee at the MoST and Deputy Minister of the MoST, from the Party.
The Politburo asked the Party Central Committee to consider and decidedisciplinary measures against Chu Ngoc Anh, who is member of the Party Central Committee, former Secretary of the Party committee at the MoST and former Minister ofthe MoST, and Nguyen Thanh Long who is member of the Party Central Committee,Secretary of the Party committee at the MoH and Minister of the MoH. Anh is currently Vice Secretary of the Party Committee of Hanoi and Chairman of the Hanoi People's Committee.
The Politburo and the Secretariat made the decisions after consideringproposals from the Party Central Committee’s Inspection Commission.
The Politburo and the Secretariat concluded that the violationsof regulations and mistakes committed by the Party committees at the MoST andthe MoH had caused serious consequences. The three officials have degraded inpolitical ideology, morality and lifestyle, violated the Party’s regulationsand the State’s laws, resulting in very severe consequences and big losses tothe State budget, thus affecting the pandemic control work and causing greatpublic concern along with bad impact on the prestige of the Party organizationand the two ministries.
The Politburo and the Secretariat also requested relevant agenciesto impose administrative disciplinary measures on the collectives andindividuals that have been punished by the Party./.