PM M.Myasnikovich saidhe expected the visit will create a new impulse pushing for deepertraditional friendship and multi-faceted cooperation between the twocountries.
He affirmed that Belarus held high regardfor Vietnam’s role in the region and the world, stating that cementingthe relations with Vietnam is among priorities in Belarus’s foreignpolicy designed for Asia-Pacific.
The VietnameseParty leader and the Prime Minister shared their joy seeing the twocountries’ traditional friendship and cooperation growing and theirpolitical ties unceasingly being strengthened.
Theynoted the triple rise in two-way trade recorded over the past five yearsremains below the two countries’ potential and expressed their beliefthat a free trade agreement between Vietnam and the Customs Union ofRussia, Belarus and Kazakhstan will pave the way for accelerating exportactivity. The agreement could be initialed by the end of 2014 and willbe officially signed in early 2015.
PMM.Myasnikovich pledged to pay attention to facilitating Vietnam’sexports, especially farm products, seafood, apparel and footwear, to theBelarusian market while working towards establishing joint venturesproducing such items right in Belarus.
Both leadersagreed to continue providing the best possible conditions for the twocountries’ businesses to connect, firstly making it easier for themilitary-run Viettel group to invest in a telecommunication project inBelarus and other projects engaging in automobile and tractormanufacturing, coal exploitation and mining.
The PMsaid his country will consider increasing scholarships for Vietnamesestudents, especially in the fields of culture, arts and defence.
The leaders shared the view that cooperation in labour and vocationaltraining is promising and needs to be accelerated in the coming time.
They emphasised the important role of localaffiliation in consolidating the traditional friendship and opening upeconomic and trade cooperation opportunities.
At theend of the meeting, the host and guest witnessed the signing of severalcooperative documents between the Communist Party of Vietnam CentralCommittee’s Commission for External Relations and the BelarusianPresident Office, the Ministry of Information and Communications and theBelarusian Ministry of Information, and the central province of QuangNgai and Belarus’s Mogilov province.
Before the Belarus trip, Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong visited Russia.-VNA

☀️ Morning digest on March 7
The following is a list of selected news summaries reported last night by the Vietnam News Agency.