Truong Tan Sang, Politburo member and permanent member of the CentralParty Committee’s Secretariat, delivered this statement at the 8 thcongress of VWA in Hanoi on August 6, which saw the attendance of923 members from across the country.
During the past80 years, generations of Vietnamese writers have built a strongattachment and sacrificed their flesh and blood to the nation’s greatrevolution, and many writers have laid down their lives in battlefields,Sang said.
Since its inception 60 years ago, VWAhas gathered a large number of members and many of them have closelyfollowed the cause of renewal and helped to form the revolutionaryliterature, with a lot of valuable masterpieces, he said.
The official expressed his hope that, with a line-up of whole-heartedand responsible writers, Vietnam ’s literature would see good worksof highly moral and artistic value and meet the demands of readers.
The Party and State respect the study and creation trends and alwayscreate favourable conditions for writers to penetrate the normal life,Sang stressed.
Regarding its major directions andtasks during the 2010-2015 term, VWA emphasised the need to enhance thevoice of writers in the nation’s important issues and their role inbuilding a humane society.
It will also focus onimproving the quality of creation, criticism and members, strengtheningthe capacity of its media and publishing agencies and expanding culturalexchanges and cooperation with foreign partners.
The congress elected a 15-member executive committee, with poet Huu Thing re-elected as president./.