According to General Director Pham Le Thanh,all sectors and the public have fully complied with the Government'sdecree 171 issued in January 2011 on saving electricity in productionand consumption. The nation was able to save an estimated of 1.31billion kWh in 2011, according to EVN.
HCM City ledall provinces in electricity saving, accounting for 30 percent of thenation's total electricity output that was saved last year.
Officials commit to expanding city programmes to raise electricitysaving awareness in 2012, especially that of the over 100,000 localstudents.
In 2011, EVN provided electricity to more than81.6 percent of villages nationwide, with nearly 85 percent ofhouseholds in rural areas buying electricity directly from EVN atgovernment promulgated price.
Thanh said in 2012, EVN willalso work on major projects to provide electricity for production,consumption and socio-economic development. It will also continuerestructuring and withdrawing capital in real estate, stocks and bankingto focus on its core business./.