Hanoi (VNA) – The 7th plenary session of the 12th-tenure Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) CentralCommittee continued its second working day on May 8, discussing many crucialissues for the country.
In the morning, the Party CentralCommittee scrutinised the project on building a contingent of cadres at alllevels, especially strategic level, with sufficient virtue, capacity andprestige on par with their assigned tasks.
Politburo member and Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc, on behalf of thePolitburo, chaired the debate.
In the afternoon, the committeeworked in groups, discussing the scheme on salary reform for officials, civilservants, public employees, armed forces, and workers in businesses.
In his opening remark, Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong noted theimportance of the meeting, which takes place at the middle of the 12th tenurein the context of good development of the country and new opportunities for therenewal cause.
He asked the Party Central Committeeto uphold their responsibility and study carefully submitted reports andprojects in order to make quality contributions to documents to be passed atthe end of the session.
The plenary session will conclude onMay 12-VNA