Hanoi (VNA) – Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc hashighlighted the sound development of the Vietnam-Republic of Korea (RoK)strategic cooperative partnership, with economic cooperation as a spotlight.
At the reception for outgoing RoK Ambassador Lee Hyuk inHanoi on April 11, the PM said the RoK has become one of Vietnam’s leadingpartners, ranking first in terms of direct investment.
Vietnam wishes that the RoK will expand the import ofVietnamese agro-forestry-fishery products, receive more Vietnamese workers,help Vietnam in high-quality human resources development, speed up the transferof technologies in support, automobile, mechanic, garment-textile andelectronic sectors, he said, explaining that Vietnam is running a big tradedeficit with the country.
The leader also urged the RoK side to assist the VietnameseGovernment’s Office in building the e-government.
Vietnam is willing to create conditions for RoK businessesto increase their investment in the country, thus, expanding their operation inSoutheast Asia, he said.
He also suggested increasing cultural exchange and theteaching of Vietnamese and Korean languages in the respective countries,simplifying visa procedures and protecting legitimate rights of the twocountries’ citizens.
The PM stressed that Vietnam welcomes and backs measures tothe Korean Peninsula situation, aiming to promote dialogues and maintain peaceand stability in the region and the world.
Noting Lee Hyuk’s contributions to cooperation achievementsbetween Vietnam and the RoK during his tenure in Vietnam, the leader said hehopes that the diplomat will make more contributions to the relations betweenthe RoK and Vietnam as well as the Association of Southeast Asian Nations(ASEAN).
For his part, Lee Hyuk said more and more RoK businesseswant to invest and expand operation in Vietnam, voicing his belief that thebilateral relationship will yield more fruits in the coming time.
He called on the PM to prioritise Vietnam-RoK cooperation,while supporting the enhancement of relations between the RoK and other ASEANnations.
The diplomat pledged that he, in any position, will continueto support and foster relations between the Governments and people of the twocountries.-VNA