PM meets with leaders of Russia-Vietnam Friendship Association

Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc met with leaders of the Russia-Vietnam Friendship Association and the association of former Russian military experts who helped Vietnam during the wartime, in Moscow on May 23 as part of his ongoing official visit to Russia.
PM meets with leaders of Russia-Vietnam Friendship Association ảnh 1Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc (centre) presents the Vietnamese State’s Friendship Order to Irina Vladimirova Samarina (R) from the Russian State University for the Humanities and Vladimir Mazyrin from the Russian Academy of Sciences in recognition of their significant contributions to the friendship between the two peoples. (Photo: VNA)

Moscow (VNA) –
Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc met with leaders of the Russia-Vietnam Friendship Association and the association of former Russian military experts who helped Vietnam during the wartime, in Moscow on May 23 as part of his ongoing official visit to Russia.

The PM affirmed to his guests that Vietnam always bears in mind the valuable assistance of Russian people in its cause of national defence and building.

He highlighted Vietnam’s socio-economic development accomplishments, especially the positive impacts of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) agreement on the country’s economic growth.

Vietnam attaches importance to developing relations with traditional friends, including Russia, he said, adding that the development of Vietnam’s ties with Russia is a long-term strategic direction which will not be affected by complicated developments in the world.

He hoped the Russia-Vietnam Friendship Association and the association of former Russian military experts will host more events to develop the traditional friendship between the two peoples as well as actively support the overseas Vietnamese community in Russia.

Chairman of the Russia-Vietnam Friendship Association Vladimir Buianov and Chairman of the association of former Russian military experts Nikolay Kolesnik pledged to make more active contributions to the development of Vietnam-Russia traditional friendship and comprehensive strategic partnership.

The two associations will promote exchange activities between Vietnamese and Russian war veterans as well as culture, art exhibitions and people-to-people exchanges in celebration of the 70th founding anniversary of bilateral diplomatic ties in 2020, they said.

On the occasion, PM Phuc presented the Vietnamese State’s Friendship Order to Irina Vladimirova Samarina from the Russian State University for the Humanities and Vladimir Mazyrin from the Russian Academy of Sciences in recognition of their significant contributions to the friendship between the two peoples.

Chairman of the Russia-Vietnam Friendship Association Vladimir Buianov also presented a friendship insignia of the association to the Vietnamese Prime Minister.-VNA


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