The PM pointed to a number of gaps in pandemic prevention and control activities.
He requested thelocalities to stick to directions from central agencies, especially the policyof considering communes and wards as “fortresses” and people as “warriors” inthe fight against COVID-19, and taking the people as the centre and subject of pandemicprevention and control activities.
The Government leaderasked the provinces to set specific goals when applying social distancingmeasures, and make the utmost efforts to put the pandemic under control by September 30 at the latest.
He reminded sectors andlocalities to strengthen communication activities toprovide the people with information and knowledge in pandemic prevention and control.
Regarding vaccineissues, the PM held that together with efforts to buy and import vaccines, itis crucial to speed up the research of home-grown vaccines as well as thetransfer of technology for vaccine production inside the country.
He urged the Ministry ofHealth to continue allocate vaccines based on the realsituation in localities, while ensuring safe and effective vaccination. The ministry should also prepare vaccines for following years as well as vaccines for children, heasked.
At the session, Deputy PM Vu Duc Dam, leaders of ministries, sectors and medical experts gave their opinions on the current pandemic situation and proposed more support for medical workers including improving their capacity, especially in COVID-19 testing and treatment. They stressed the need to speed up vaccination for people with high risk of infection. ./.