The PM spoke highly of the outcomes of the talks between VietnameseDefence Minister Ngo Xuan Lich and the US official, as well as the practical andeffective results of bilateral defence ties within the framework of thebilateral comprehensive partnership and agreements by the two countries’leaders.
Affirming that the Vietnamese Government supports bilateraldefence ties, he suggested the two defence sectors take measures to effectivelyrealise signed agreements, including the joint statements between the twocountries’ leaders.
Vietnam will continue fully and effectively partnering withthe US in the search for missing-in-action servicemen, he said.
Hailing defence cooperation as one of the foundations for theVietnam – US relationship that contributes to maintaining peace and stability, ensuringnavigation and aviation freedom in the East Sea, Esper affirmed that the USwants to further promote extensive collaboration and defence ties with Vietnamfor the sake of peace and stability in the region.
He thanked Vietnam for assisting the US in searching forservicemen listed as missing in action during the war, and pledged to continuehelping Vietnam in this work, as well as step up dioxin detoxification.
The guest expressed readiness to back Vietnam in the UnitedNations peacekeeping missions and expand joint work in other areas.
Lauding the significance of the year 2020 when Vietnamassumes the role of ASEAN Chair and the two countries celebrate the 25th anniversary of the normalisation of bilateral ties, he said the US hopes toactively help Vietnam fulfill its assigned tasks.
The US appreciates comprehensive partnership with Vietnam andstrives to boost cooperation with the country, he said.
The Vietnamese PM proposed that both sides continueproviding mutual consultation and support at multilateral forums, particularlyat forums hosted by ASEAN, and support defence forums held by the VietnameseDefence Ministry next year.
He also sought the US’s assistance in the United Nationspeacekeeping missions, especially in ensuring the operations of Vietnam’s Level-2field hospital in Sudan.
The PM affirmed Vietnam’s determination to develop balancedand sustainable trade with the US, believing that with determination and goodwill, the two nations will further lift their ties.
He expressed his wish to welcome the US President, Secretaryof Defence and officials to important international events during the ASEAN ChairYear 2020.
The guest once again affirmed that the US supports Vietnamand ASEAN’s stance on the East Sea issue and will strive to make activecontributions to ensuring peace, stability, navigation and aviation freedom inthe East Sea.
He thanked Vietnam for its assistance in successfully holdingthe DPRK – US Summit in Hanoi in February, believing that the two countrieswill succeed when looking to the future./.