According to FM Son, during nearly three days in Japan, PM Chinhchaired and attended about 40 activities, including working sessions andmeetings with Japanese leaders as well as circles, businesses, friends inJapan, along with leaders of countries and international organisations.
Multilaterally, Vietnam contributed to the G7's expanded summit approaches and importantsolutions from the perspective of a developing country, aiming to promoteindustrialisation, modernisation and extensive and comprehensive internationalintegration, the minister said.
At the working sessions, PM Chinh highlighted many important messages, including promoting a more substantive and effective global partnership, upholding internationalsolidarity, and persevering with multilateral cooperation in order to solve unprecedented challenges currently.
The PM also stressed that sustainable development, climate change response, emissionreduction and energy transition can only be successful through a globalapproach with the engagement of all people, ensuring balance and reasonablenessin line with conditions and different development levels of countries.
He further urged that the spirit of the rule-of-law,respect for the UN Charter and international law, and settlement of alldisputes through peaceful measures should be promoted and implemented withspecific commitments.
According to FM Son, ideals and proposals given by PM Chinhwere highly valued by leaders of countries and international organisations, contributingto building a balanced and holistic approach to addressing global challenges. The substantial and responsible participation of Vietnam has contributed greatly to the joint efforts of the internationalcommunity to maintain peace and stability and speed up economic recovery anddevelopment on the basis of equality and mutual benefit, matching the interestsand concerns of developing countries.
On the bilateral aspect, the PM’s talks and discussions with the Japanese PM, leaders of Hiroshimaand different circles of Japan contributed to further enhancing political trustand promoting the Vietnam - Japan extensive strategic partnership. This isespecially meaningful in the context where the two sides are celebrating the 50thanniversary of their diplomatic relations, Son said.
PM Chinh also had tens of bilateral meetings withG7 leaders, guests and representatives from international organisationsattending the summit to discuss specific and practical measures to beef upbilateral relations and foster coordination in matters of shared concern.
During the discussions, the partners lauded the role and position of Vietnamand affirmed their willingness to strengthen all-round cooperation withVietnam, focusing on economy and trade as well as the settlement of emergingissues such as food security, energy security, climate change response, greeneconomy, circular economy and innovation.
At the summit and bilateral meetings, leaders of all countriesunderscored the significance of ensuring maritime and aviation security andsafety as well as the settlement of disputes and differences through peacefulmeasures on the basis of international Law, especially the UNCLOS 1982, alongwith the full implementation of the DOC and the completion of an effective andsubstantive COC at an early date.

The countries underlined the need to strictly implement theDeclaration on the Conduct of Parties in the East Sea (DOC), and move towardsachieving a substantive and effective Code of Conduct in the East Sea (COC) inaccordance with international law, especially the 1982 United NationsConvention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS 1982).
Regarding specific impacts of PM Chinh’s trip on the Vietnam-Japan extensive strategic partnership, FM Son saidthat during his stay in Japan, PM Chinh had 13 working sessions.
He and Japanese PM Kishida Fumio agreed to promote theextensive strategic partnership between Vietnam and Japan for peace andprosperity in Asia to a new height, especially in 2023 which marks the 50thanniversary of the establishment of bilateral diplomatic relations. They also agreed to increase Japan's provision of new-generationODA with high incentives, simple and flexible procedures for large-scalestrategic infrastructure development projects in Vietnam.
The two leaders reached a consensus on further promotingcooperation in new potential fields such as green transformation, digitaltransformation, emission reduction and energy transition.
They agreed to continue fostering and deepening collaboration in people-to-peopleexchange, locality-to-locality cooperation, education-training and tourism,while working closely together in supporting and creating favourable conditionsfor the nearly 500,000-strong Vietnamese community in Japan.
Vietnam and Japan also concurred to coordinate their stanceson issues of mutual concern at multilateral and regional forums such as ASEAN, theUnited Nations, and the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC), the ASEAN-EUMeeting (ASEM), as well as on the East Sea issues.
FM Son underlined that the outcomes of PM Chinh’s trip toJapan contributed to sustainably promoting the extensive strategic partnershipwith Japan on the foundation of strong political trust, practical economiccooperation and diverse cultural, social and people-to-people exchanges,meeting the aspirations and interests of both peoples./.