As neighbouring countries, Vietnamand Cambodia share time-honoured relations. They officiallyestablished diplomatic ties on June 24, 1967, marking a new chapter inthe history of their neighbourliness.
On the occasion of the45th anniversary of this relationship in 2012, both countries recalledtheir long-standing mutual support, for which many people laid downtheir lives, to achieve national independence and development.
Bilateral relations have expanded across the board, evidenced byVietnam visits from King Norodom Sihamoni in September 2012 andChairman of the National Assembly Heng Samrin in July 2012, andCambodia visits by Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong inDecember 2011 and Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung in February 2013.
Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen made a visit to Vietnam onDecember 26-28 last year. Earlier this month, National Assembly ChairmanHen Samrin visited Vietnam and attended the celebration of the 35thanniversary of Cambodia and Vietnam’s joint victory over the genocidalKhmer Rouge regime (January 7). Brave services from Vietnamese veteransand volunteer soldiers have strengthened Vietnam – Cambodiasolidarity and friendship further.
Two-way trade is expectedto surge to 5 billion USD by 2015, underpinned by deeper cooperation infields of strength like cross-border trade, tourism, telecommunications,aviation, banking, oil and gas, industrial plants and agriculture.
The 2012 figure hit 3.3 billion USD. In the first 10 months of 2013,it rose by 8 percent year-on-year to 2.94 billion USD. Vietnam ispouring over 3 billion USD into 126 projects in Cambodia, focusingon industrial cultivation, mining, oil and gas, electricity,telecommunications, finance and banking, among others.
Strongimprovements have also been seen in science, education, health care andtourism. Vietnam has offered many scholarships to Cambodian studentsand graduates. Despite difficulties, Vietnam assigned delegationsof medical staff to border areas to offer health check-ups.
Bilateral defence and security is in a good shape, with key informationsharing and regular training and patrols at sea. They have also workedhard on the search for and repatriation of the remains of Vietnamesemartyrs who lost their lives during the war in Cambodia.
The demarcation and planting of border markers is in progress. Bothneighbours have so far pinpointed 239 out of the 314 places to plantmarkers, built 279 out of the 371 markers and delimited 850 out of the1,137km of borderline.
They pledged to keep up with this job for a border of peace, friendship, stability and development.
At regional and global forums, Vietnam and Cambodia have workedclosely together and engaged in cooperation mechanisms like the Cambodia– Laos – Myanmar – Vietnam Summit, the Greater Mekong Sub-region, theAyeyawady – Chao Phraya – Mekong Economic Cooperation Strategy, theAssociation of Southeast Asian Nations, the Asia – Europe Meeting, andthe United Nations.-VNA