The assistance is in response to the Prime Minister's decree whichpromised to fund a programme that offered to promote skills for morethan 22 million farmers across the country.
Deputy minister Nguyen Trong Dam said that the State would provide6-10 million VND (315-526 USD) for each rural household to buy new seedsand other materials to increase their agricultural productivity. Theywill also be able to purchase new equipment and machines in order tostore and process their products after the harvest.
However, these households would work with local pilot projects thatinvolve the transfer of technology and the use of new seeds, which hadbeen approved by the relevant authorities, said Dam.
Under the project, farmers will also be provided with trainingmaterials, funds to supplement travel, food and accommodation costs.They will have to pay a training fee for short-term courses.
Vocational training schools for poor, rural labourers will receive 3million VND (157 USD) for each person they train.
These funds will be used to cover fees for teachers and to financeequipment for the courses.
The enterprises who offer the training courses for rural labourers andemploy them for at least 24 months after the training, will receive 1.5million VND (78 USD) per student per course to pay for teachers andequipment.
The trainees will be given 15,000 VND per day for food expenses.
If a trainee lives 15km from the training institution, they will beeligible to receive 200,000 VND per course. This would help the poorlabourers' lives while they were attending the training courses, saidDam.
Local authorities could also give more assistance at their discretion.
Under the project, each poor rural commune will also receive 2 millionVND per year to disseminate relevant Government policies and providelegal assistance to local labourers./.