The auction aims to expand Indonesia’s renewable energycapacity, according to the Jakarta Post.
Theprojects are Kapahiang in Bengkulu with a capacity of 110 MW, Simbolon Samosirin North Sumatra with 110 MW, Borapulu in Central Sulawesi with 10 MW, Lamidingin North Maluku with 10 MW and Oka Ile Ange and Mount Sirung in East NusaTenggara with capacities of 10 MW and 5 MW, respectively.
Yunus Saefulhak, Geothermal Director at theMinistry of Energy and Mineral Resources, said the amount of investment in eachgeothermal region varies, depending on the region and local conditions. But onaverage, the investment for geothermal development is around 4 million USD permegawatt.
The auction is expected to last for about 4-5months, he said.
The government aims for Indonesia, which is nowthe world’s third-largest geothermal producer, to become the world’s largest by2021, overtaking current number one, the US.
Indonesia’s total geothermal capacity amountedto 1,643.5 MW in 2016. The country expects to have a total geothermal capacityof 3,559.5 MW within the next four years.
The US’s geothermal capacity is expected tostagnate at 3,450 MW with no new developments being planned. Meanwhile thePhilippines, currently the world’s second largest geothermal producer, hasfully tapped its potential and may see its capacity decline from 1,870 MWcurrently.
This year, Indonesia will add an additional 215MW capacity from the Sarulla geothermal power plant in North Sumatra, 30 MWfrom Karaha in West Java, 20 MW from Sorik Marapi in North Sumatra and 55 MWfrom Ulubelu Unit 4 in Lampung.-VNA