Hanoi (VNA) - The diplomatic sector has continued to affirmVietnam’s position in the international arena amid the global impact of theCOVID-19 pandemic, Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Pham Binh Minhhas said.
Speaking with the media on December 24, the Deputy PMsaid that, under the leadership of the Party, the entire political system fullyfulfilled the twin targets of fighting the pandemic and maintaining a stableenvironment for socio-economic development.
This was a major achievement by the country in 2020 andprovided favourable conditions for the Party and State’s external affairs activities,Minh said.
External activities were implemented effectively inboth bilateral and multilateral respects.
Vietnam maintained relations with partners this year throughmoving meetings and conferences to the online format. Thirty-three phone discussionsbetween senior leaders in Vietnam and those of key countries around the worldwere held in 2020, during which they discussed measures to enhance bilateralties.
Vietnam also fulfilled its roles as ASEAN Chair, Chairof the 41st ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly (AIPA) GeneralAssembly, and non-permanent member of the United Nations Security Council(UNSC) this year.
The country helped promote solidarity and cohesiveness inASEAN in responding to changes in the region and the world.
It also contributed ideas to issues within the frameworkof the UNSC as a representative of developing countries as well as small and mediumcountries.
Regarding economic integration, Minh said Vietnamratified the EU-Vietnam Free Trade Agreement during the year and worked,together with other countries, to sign the Regional Comprehensive EconomicPartnership (RCEP).
When COVID-19 broke out around the world and theregion, the need to protect Vietnamese citizens abroad became more essentialthan ever.
Since the beginning of the year, more than 260 flightshave been conducted bringing home over 73,000 Vietnamese citizens from 59countries and territories, he added.
Regarding the East Sea issue, the situation continues todevelop in a complex manner. Vietnam, however, has maintained a stableenvironment in the waters through various measures, including those related tobilateral relations with other countries.
Vietnam raised the issue at all meetings with leaders ofother countries, with the goal to ensure a peaceful and stable environment,respect international law, especially the 1982 UN Convention on the Law of theSea, and avoid any activities that may complicate the situation.
The country also mentioned the East Sea issue atinternational and ASEAN conferences, with consensus and support received fromother nations.
Vietnam has also maintained normal economic activitiesin legitimate waters within its exclusive economic zone, Minh said.
He affirmed that amid the COVID-19 pandemic, Vietnam excellentlyfulfilled its role as ASEAN Chair.
This is also the assessment of the internationalcommunity, ASEAN countries, and the general public, he added.
The theme “Cohesive & Responsive” that Vietnam selectedproved appropriate, expressing the goal of intensifying the central role and solidarityof ASEAN as well as the bloc’s responsiveness to the new circumstances.
Vietnam also ensured all working agendas of the ASEANChairmanship Year were implemented, including those involved in the building ofthe ASEAN Community.
The country has to date got ASEAN approval of more than80 documents, and 28 out of 32 initiatives put forward by Vietnam were writteninto documents.
Vietnam also organised special meetings within theframework of ASEAN and with bloc partners in response to the pandemic and setforth four important matters, including the establishment of the ASEAN COVID-19Response Fund and the ASEAN Regional Reserve of Medical Supplies.
The Deputy PM said that, in its role, Vietnam steppedup discussions on ASEAN connectivity with sub-regions, especially cooperationwith Mekong region countries.
In the first year of its two-year term on the UNSC,Vietnam made active contributions based on the principle of ensuringindependence and respecting international law and the interests of countries toresolve issues in the region and the world.
Vietnam has promoted its priorities this year, which isthe role of women for peace and security.
The country also drafted a resolution designatingDecember 27 as International Day of Epidemic Preparedness, which was approvedby the UNSC General Assembly during its 75th session, Minh said,adding that the event marked an important milestone for Vietnam’s diplomaticsector.
Vietnam will continue implementing priorities in 2021,including resolving conflicts, the issue of children in conflict, post-conflictsocio-economic recovery, post-conflict mine clearance, climate change, andpeacekeeping missions.
The most important mission for the diplomatic sector inthe new year will be to maintain a peaceful and stable environment and protect Vietnam’sindependence and sovereignty over seas and islands.
The country continues to consolidate and deepen itsrelations with partners, particularly strategic and comprehensive partners andneighbouring countries.
In the context of complex developments in the COVID-19pandemic, citizen protection remains a priority for the diplomatic sector inthe time to come, Minh added./.