Preparations for stepped up high school exam

Localities are actively preparing for the National High School Exam 2019.
Preparations for stepped up high school exam ảnh 1Candidates take the National High School exam. (Photo: Reporter/Vietnam +)

Hanoi (VNA) - Issuing relevant documents, installing surveillance cameras, arranging test locations, examining each set of tables and chairs, and carefully selecting human resources. Localities are actively preparing for the National High School Exam 2019.

In just over a month, the 2019 National High School Exam will begin. At this time, localities are trying their best to prepare for the exam, from facilities to human resources, to ensure the exam takes place safe and in a serious manner in accordance with regulations.

Double check prior to the exam

In Ninh Binh province, statistics of the provincial Department of Education and Training show that the total number of candidates registered to take the exam this year is nearly 10,000, nearly 700 candidates lower compared to 2018.

According to Mr. Pham Thanh Toan, Deputy Director of the Ninh Binh Department of Education and Training, all steps related to the exam are conducted seriously. In particular, Ninh Binh pays special attention to organizing training on new points of this year's exam for all exam officers.

Currently, Ninh Binh is checking and installing additional cameras, completing the computer system, checking each set of tables and chairs, and is ready to serve the exam.

According to Pham Thanh Toan, Ninh Binh province even conducted tougher inspection than required by the Ministry of Education and Training.

In Hanoi, where the number of candidates reached nearly 75,000, Le Van Quy, Vice Chairman of the City People's Committee, said that the capital is determined to perform the exam best.

With a large number of candidates, Hanoi, with the support of 13 universities and students, has to organize up to 125 exam points, mobilize over 3,300 exam officers and nearly 300 supervisors. The printing of exam questions was carried out by the city in collaboration with Hanoi University of Technology.

In order to prepare well for the exam, the city will install surveillance cameras, arrange security forces closely, especially in the stages of preserving and copying exam questions, preserving test papers and marking the exam, to prevent the problem of captioning, exposure as well as bad situations from occurance.

Preparations for stepped up high school exam ảnh 2The exam officials with good moral qualities are selected thoroughly by localities (Photo: PV / Vietnam +)

"Tightening" supervision of personnel

After the shock of the national exam in the provinces of Hoa Binh, Son La and Ha Giang in 2018, localities pay special attention to related personnel when preparing for the High School Exam 2019.

According to Deputy Director of the Ninh Binh Department of Education and Training Pham Song Toan, the province chooses principals and vice principals as the heads of exam zones. All members involved in organizing the exam are carefully trained to master the process.

“This year, the Ministry of Education and Training has made many technical improvements but people are still the decisive factor. If you follow the right process, fraud cannot happen and every stage must be supervised by many people,” Mr. Toan said.

According to Mr. Le Trung Chinh, Vice Chairman of the Da Nang People's Committee, his locality has prepared for the exam very carefully in accordance with the regulations.

“However, no matter how the exam is well prepared, people still decide the success. Therefore, the city has directed the Department of Education and Training of Da Nang to master this spirit to all teachers in the locality,” Mr. Chinh shared.

The leader of Da Nang also asked the Ministry of Education and Training to instruct the universities to thoroughly grasp the exam regulations for all officials and lecturers participating in the examination./.


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