At a reception for Ambassadorof New Zealand Tredene Cherie Dobson, the President said he hopes that theambassador will raise initiatives to promote cooperation between the twocountries in the time ahead, especially when the bilateralrelationship is developing intensively and extensively in the spirit of the strategicpartnership.
He called on NewZealand to share its experience in COVID-19 combat, and suggested the two sidesstep up high-level visits after the pandemic is put under control.
The two countriesalso should foster trade ties, particularly the export of fruits, Phuc said, suggestingNew Zealand further assist Vietnam in education, especially English languageteaching.
Vietnam wishes to tightencoordination with New Zealand and relevant parties in realising theComprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP) andaccelerating the ratification and implementation of the Regional ComprehensiveEconomic Partnership (RCEP) in the coming time, he added.
The ambassadorpledged to make every effort to contribute to strengthening the bilateralrelations, and support Vietnamese firms to access the New Zealand market.

The President calledfor joint efforts to press ahead with negotiations of a free trade agreement betweenVietnam and the SouthernCommon Market (Mercosur), and suggested both sides maintain theirmutual support and cooperation at multilateral forums.
The ambassador saidhe hopes to coordinate with Vietnamese agencies to elevate the bilateral tiesto a new level.
Vietnam and Pakistanshould optimise their strengths and beef up cooperation in trade, whiletightening their collaboration at regional and multilateral forums, thePresident suggested.
Mehtab said she hopesthat Vietnam would serve as a bridge between Pakistan and ASEAN, and the two countries will intensify tourism cooperation.
He also praised Romaniafor its efforts in pushing ahead with the signing of the EU-Vietnam Free TradeAgreement (EVFTA) and the EU-Vietnam Investment Protection Agreement (EVIPA) whenRomania held the rotating presidency of the Council of the European Union.
Phuc asked theambassador to convey his invitation to the Romanian President to visit Vietnamat an appropriate time.
Romila, in reply,affirmed that Vietnam remains Romania’s important partner, and congratulatedthe Southeast Asian nation on its achievements in the pandemic fight./.